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Security and Privacy Policy

Security and Privacy Policy


DAMATRI is aware of the importance of guaranteeing the right to privacy and protection of Users’ data and, in this regard, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (RGPD), as well as in compliance with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD), we inform you below about the following points related to the processing of data of a personal nature.


The controller of the data collected through this website is Damatri, Rua das Cruzes nº 85, 4510-542 Gondomar – Porto, +351 920 085 097 or [email protected]



Depending on the form that in each case the User completes, the data may be processed for the following purposes:

Web customers

When you purchase a product in our online shop, the data you provide will be used to process, send and invoice the products purchased. To be able to place orders in the online shop, each customer shall provide voluntarily and on their own responsibility their personal data (name, surname, address, telephone number, billing data and method of payment) which must be true and accurate. The User who formalises the online purchase order declares to be the owner of the information provided or, in the absence of this, to have the authorisation of the person whose name they manage. In the event that doubts exist as to the authenticity of the data provided, DAMATRI may request the information strictly necessary to ensure that the sales process is formalised with the maximum guarantees for the parties.

Registered users

The information you provide on the registration form is used to manage the website Users in order to access your profile, consult your orders and make your purchases without having to re-enter your identifying data (name, surname, e-mail and telephone) and delivery address. In addition, if you have expressly selected the option to save your card or Paypal data, you will not have to enter these data again. You can change the configuration of your profile whenever you want. Likewise, as a registered user, you can access the following functions:

– Indicate your evaluation in relation to the products you have purchased through this website. In such cases, you may publish photographs together with the evaluations you carry out. When uploading photographs, bear in mind that you should not publish images of third parties unless you have their consent. Likewise, you should not publish content that:

  • induce, incite or promote actions which are contrary to the law, morals and good customs; incorporate messages which are criminal, violent, degrading or, in general, contrary to the law, morals and good customs;
  • are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without the user having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from their owners;
  • or are contrary to the right to honour, to personal and family privacy or to the self-image of third parties.

We point out that all photographs contain a series of data called metadata. This Exif data or photographic metadata collects information about how the image was processed and may reveal information related to the model of camera or phone with which the photograph was taken, the longitude, latitude and altitude of the exact place where it was taken or the date and time. To guarantee your privacy, Damatri makes every effort to remove the metadata from photos that are shared in our environment, but you should keep in mind that it is ultimately you who decides what content you share.

  • Express your level of satisfaction with the products purchased and your purchasing experience through the surveys we send you.
  • Request that we inform you when a product is out of stock.
  • To include reminders about product purchases.

Damatri will not admit attempts at false registrations or that supplant the identity of persons or companies, the provision of false information on the registration form will result in automatic cancellation of the User. Damatri reserves the right to verify the information provided by the User by means of telephone verification.

Newsletter/commercial communications

If you give us your consent in accordance with Article 21 of the Information Society Services Act, we will use your identification and contact details to send you information about website updates, news of interest about pets, as well as promotions and offers for our products and services. This information may be sent by post, telephone and/or electronically. If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will send you periodic communications by email with information about news and events related to the category or categories of pets for which you have requested to receive our newsletter. The validity of the promotions we send you may be subject to product availability and more specific specifications about them. In case of any doubt, we will inform you about the conditions of the promotions through our Customer Service Department.

The personal data that you provide us with using the contact form or the chat enabled on the site will only be processed to deal with your query or request. The information collected is limited to identification and contact details, as well as data relating to the nature of the request you send us.

Users of our products and services in relation to profile analysis

We use information about the habits of users in their browsing, purchasing and preferences in order to carry out market research for the optimisation of business processes, the demand-oriented design of our services and products, as well as to show personalised content. We analyse the usability of the website to improve the contents and services offered in these environments. To this end we analyse user behaviour for statistical and analytical purposes to understand how users interact with our website and thus introduce improvements. We develop learning techniques that provide estimates, forecasts and analysis of our users’ needs and interests that allow us

  • Classify into different objective and user groups in the context of market research (user segmentation).
  • Obtain information on the different target groups and their respective usage habits and purchasing interests.
  • Achieve early detection of purchasing trends.
  • Manage the planning, execution and control of the success of the content presented in order to satisfy the interests of the target groups.

To this end, we use aggregated, pseudonymised or anonymised data as well as machine learning algorithms, which allow us to make estimates, predictions and analyses about the interests of our users.


All the information that the User makes available to us must be true and accurate. To these effects, the interested party guarantees the authenticity of all data provided as a consequence of the completion of the corresponding forms. In any event, the User will be solely liable for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damage caused to Damatri or third parties as a result of the information provided.



We inform the User that the processing of the information collected through the present website does not imply the international transfer of the data. With regard to the recipients of the information, we inform you that if you make an online purchase that must be delivered to the address you indicate, the package sent will detail your name and surname, delivery address and telephone number. This last data will be included to allow the contact between the transport company and the recipient in order to facilitate the delivery process.

Paying for credit/debit card purchases at Damatri means that your card information will be sent directly to our payment partner Stripe. This entity has access to the buyer’s identification data and the data of the purchase made related to the payment process. For more information about Stripe, please see here.

Through this payment method, Damatri never collects or manipulates customer data related to your card number. All data is processed directly by Stripe, so that Damatri can always offer the greatest transparency and confidentiality in transactions. Payment for your order is made directly with that entity, thus offering maximum security.



The legal basis for the processing of personal data collected by Damatri is based on different legal precepts, depending on the context of collection and processing:

  • Data related to the purchase process and customer service: With regard to personal data collected during the online purchase process, as well as data processed in the context of the relationship generated between Damatri and the Customer, the basis that legitimises the processing in the execution of the contractual relationship between the parties, pursuant to Article 6.1.b) of the RGPD.
  • Data related to sending commercial communications as well as data collected in the various forms enabled on this website not linked to the purchase process and customer service: in these cases, the basis that legitimises data processing is the User’s own consent and unequivocal acceptance in each of the sections in which personal information is collected. The User has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without this affecting and legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.
  • Data related to the analysis and personalised preferences of users: The basis that legitimises the processing is Damatri’s legitimate interest in improving internal processes resulting in the optimisation of services and products for users, all within the framework of the provisions of article 6.1.f) RGPD; because we understand that the processing of these data is also beneficial to you, as it allows you to improve your experience as a user and access information according to your preferences.

Web clients

The information will be kept for the time necessary to manage the delivery and invoicing of the products purchased; subsequently, the information will be kept blocked during the period of prescription of legal actions and, once this period has elapsed, it will be deleted.

Registered users

The information of registered users will be kept indefinitely unless the user requests to be removed as a registered user.

Recipients of commercial communications

Contact form users/Chat users

The information collected through the contact form and/or Chat available on the website will be kept for the time necessary to satisfy the enquiry or information that the User has requested; the data will then be deleted unless the nature of the enquiry or request requires that the information be kept for other purposes, in which case we will communicate the purpose of the processing, the period of retention and the recipients of the data, under the applicable terms.

Users of our products and services in relation to profile analysis data will be kept for the time necessary to achieve the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy in relation to the improvement of our internal processes resulting in the optimisation of services and products for users.



The User has the right to access their personal data and to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, as the case may be, to request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Users may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case Damatri will only retain it for the exercise or defence of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, Users may oppose the processing of their data. In this case, Damatri will no longer process the data, except for legitimate reasons, or for the exercise or defence of possible claims. Finally, we inform you of your right of portability provided for in the GDPR so that your data may be made available to the party responsible for processing that the User indicates to us. To make these rights effective, the User may send an e-mail to [email protected] or send a letter to the following address: Rua das Cruzes nº 85, 4510-542 Gondomar – Porto, Portugal.

In cases where the User considers that during the processing of data by Damatri the data subject’s data protection rights have been infringed, especially when the User has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of his/her rights, the User may lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority, namely

  • The authority of the country in which the retail company is located:

Damatri uses technologies appropriate to the current state of the art to protect your personal data and information; therefore, our website is stored on secure servers protected against the most common types of attacks. However, we remind you that there is no such thing as invulnerable technology and you should therefore take whatever measures are in your power to maintain the level of security of your data. Damatri has adopted technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.


Damatri has a profile on some of the main social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube) and is responsible for the content published therein. Under no circumstances will Damatri extract data from social networks, unless the user’s consent to do so is expressly obtained from time to time.


Damatri reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to new legislation and case law, as well as industry practices. Accordingly, Damatri will announce on this page any amendments made reasonably prior to their implementation.

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