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Do you live in an apartment? Tips for your pet

Do you live in an apartment? Tips for your pet

How many times have you asked yourself “should I have an animal in my apartment?” The answer is yes. Having a dog in an apartment can be a challenge but it’s not an impossible mission. Check out our tips to make the adaption easier for you and the your dog.

1. Find a space for games

If your pet will spend most of the days inside the house it’s essential to define a space for him to play. Thus, in addition to keep your apartment more organized, it will teach them to respect the play area.

Another tip is to create challenges capable of stimulating their instincts. For example when distributing food choose toys that stimulate their sense of smell and make them spend energy looking for food.

2. Walk your dog everyday

Organizing a space for games does not exclude the outdoor walks. Having your pet closed in the apartment all day can cause anxiety and consequently developing unwanted behaviors such as destructive attitudes or excessive barking. Therefore, look for parks or garden areas where you can take your pet for a walk and play at least 30 minutes.

3. Train your pet

Training your animal from an early age is important to make him a good neighbor and help him stay safe when the leash comes off, especially in a crowed area. So, you must train him to be able to

The reward technique is the one that works best when teaching your pet something such as when we re trying to potty train him. Show him how (or where) it should be don and when he does it right, congratulate him and give him a treat. The most important thing is to be patient.

4. Maintain good hygiene

Dogs that live in an apartment tend to keep themselfs cleane

So, ideally, you should stick to a fixed time to play, run, eat and go for a walk. They look to us to guide them through their routine.

5. Your dog hates it when he doesn’t explore enough

Many of our animals spend hours at home. For this reason the time for walks is their favorite moment, since it is there that they can have contact with different sensory stimuli.

It is essential to walk regularly and slowly (between 15 and 20 minutes), change routes and give them freedom.

6. Force interaction

Socialization with other animals or people should be avoided. By doing so, we are causing moments of anguish and stress for our animal. We must wait for the dog to be interested in the interaction.

This shows how important it’s to respect our pet’s space.

So, to avoid situations that are not pleasant for your pet and that your dog hates, pay attention to these signs that we have explored and you will make your dog happy and relaxed. Visit our website and see various accessories to make your pet happy.

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