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Having a pet – Benefits

Having a pet – Benefits

From the cat to the fish, not forgetting the dog, having a pet is good for your health and well-being. In the month in which Pet Day is celebrated, we want you to know the benefits of having one.

Pet benefit

That they are a great company and give us unconditional affection we all know, but that they help to prevent diseases and to be healthier is perhaps something new.

There are so many benefits, but we have selected the top 5:

1. Less Trips to the doctor

In addition to promoting our physical activity, studies show that pets regulate our blood pressure, cholesterol and stress. Also, petting your pet for 15 minutes will make your brain release substances that will make you feel better.

But also, having an animal brings benefits to our immune system. This is because pets when spend time outside they bring various types of dirt and microbes into the house. Having contact with these microorganisms can help improve our immunity against colds and other milder illnesses.

Happy pet

What about the relationship between children and animals?

Children who grow up with an animal in the family are less likely to get sick. This happens because the interaction between both brings the child company, comfort, emotional support and increased self-esteem.

2. Animals are companions

One of the reasons why many people decide to adopt an animal is to reduce the feeling of loneliness.

This is because not only do they give us a warm welcome when we get home but they never get tired of hearing us.

Cat having a rest

3. We get more social

There are few people who don’t like dogs or cats, and this can be an excellent topic of conversation. With the intention of being an advantage, especially for those who have more difficulty making small talk or for those who are shyer.

Thus, our animals function is to be promoters of social interaction.

Hanging with a pet

4. 365 days of physical activity

Most pets have a lot of energy. That is, there are not only hygienic walks, but there is also the dog that loves the game of “search” or the cat that just wants to play.

For people who tend to be more lazy, animals help promote physical exercise and adopt a more active lifestyle.

If on the other hand, you already have the habit of exercising, with a pet you have the right company to accompany you.

Dog playing

5. Sense of responsibility

What father or mother has never heard this request “Can we have a pet?”.

There are few children who wouldn’t love to add an animal to their family, but this can be a good opportunity for them to learn important skills.

In addition to brushing him, cleaning the litter box, feeding him, it can help children develop empathy and a sense of responsibility.

Benefits of a pet and a children

In addition to all these great benefits, animals are also constant entertainment. They make us laugh, they are waiting for us after a hard day at work, and they are always ready to give us a hug when we need it!

After this, it will be difficult to find reasons not to add a pet to the family. Visit our website and see everything you need to welcome a pet into your home.

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