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10 Things Dog Owners Do and Dogs Hate

10 Things Dog Owners Do and Dogs Hate

The best way to show what you want is with gestures and good posture. Talking to the dog without showing it to the body can confuse the animal, which has no idea what is going on.

Shout every time he barks

This is his way of expressing some of his wishes to the world. So be more tolerant of your dog’s barking.

Conveying nervousness

Dogs always choose a leader for their pack. Ideally, this leader should be the owner. If he is unstable, nervous, unable to exercise leadership, he will feel he must take on that role. Therefore, whenever you are in the company of your dog, try not to show tension or nervousness, or he may become agitated and even aggressive.

Treat the dog like a child

Dogs are dogs and they like to be treated as such. They will want to run, chase and sniff. Of course, you can show affection to your pet. But first comes exercise, then discipline and finally affection.

Thinking that the dog is human

Naturally, they like to know well who is the leader of the pack (in this case, the owner). Therefore, when adopting a canine friend, you should be prepared to take on the role of leader in its entirety. Only then will your dog feel confident; otherwise, he will start to feel stressed because he does not know how to behave in that pack.

Letting your dog die of boredom

If you don’t give your dog activities, this is how he will feel, in the deepest boredom. Lack of activities can make the dog anxious and start misbehaving, such as scratching too much, until he gets sores, chewing on his paws, gnawing on things (including furniture) and going into depression.


Hugging is a threatening signal. It means you are trying to dominate him by force. Some dogs even tolerate being hugged, while others are quite aggressive. In any case, pay attention to the animal. Some show clear signs of discomfort, such as turning their heads away.

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Being on mobile/computer

The owner spends all day away from home, working. For 9, 10 or even 11 hours away from home, your dog is often alone, with nothing to distract him or make him expend energy. At the very least, he deserves some attention, including games, challenges and, whenever possible, walks.

Be in a hurry during the walk

Going out with a dog means stopping every half metre so he can sniff things, explore the world, discover new neighbours and find out what’s new. And they hate any journey that is different from this. Take quick, bureaucratic turns, without being able to sniff.

Make it fragrant

Dogs’ sense of smell is very acute, and this makes them extremely uncomfortable with the smell of perfume wafting through them. See here how you can show how much you like your pet.


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