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6 things your dog hates you to do

6 things your dog hates you to do

Surprised? Yes it’s true. In order to live in harmony with our dogs, it is important to know what makes them happy and also what your dog hates.

Therefore, some of the actions we do can create the wrong idea in the canine’s mind. We help you discover some situations that can be avoided:

1. Strong Smells

As you know, a dog’s sense of smell is extremely developed compared to ours.

Have you noticed how the interaction between dogs happens? The “conversation” starts with smells, usually on the tail, where the smell gathers all the information that the dog needs to get to know the other dog.

In this way, avoid very strong smells especially perfumes and detergents, as they can cause allergies or some irritation in the canine’s nose.

2. Loud or sudden noises for animals

Since their hearing is more developed than ours, we have to take into account the sounds that are too loud when our dogs are present. If for us some noise is loud, for them it will be 5 times bigger.

There are sounds that can really hurt their ears and make them stressed. We must avoid this situation.

3. Hugs? Don’t exaggerate on your dog

If for some the hug represents protection and care, for others it is not like that.

Dogs, for example, think differently. Some can tolerate hugs, but others feel insecure and threatened. Usually they try to pull away and get tense.

So show affection with cuddles and petting and leave the long hugs to humans.

4. Absence of routine

Our 4-legged friends like routine. That’s why when we don’t walk them at the usual time or frequently change the schedule, we are making them anxious with these routine changes.

So, ideally, you should stick to a fixed time to play, run, eat and go for a walk. They look to us to guide them through their routine.

5. Your dog hates it when he doesn’t explore enough

Many of our animals spend hours at home. For this reason the time for walks is their favorite moment, since it is there that they can have contact with different sensory stimuli.

It is essential to walk regularly and slowly (between 15 and 20 minutes), change routes and give them freedom.

6. Force interaction

Socialization with other animals or people should be avoided. By doing so, we are causing moments of anguish and stress for our animal. We must wait for the dog to be interested in the interaction.

This shows how important it’s to respect our pet’s space.

So, to avoid situations that are not pleasant for your pet and that your dog hates, pay attention to these signs that we have explored and you will make your dog happy and relaxed. Visit our website and see various accessories to make your pet happy.

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