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3 things dogs can notice in humans

3 things dogs can notice in humans

Studies show that the social intelligence of a purebred dog is more sophisticated than we think and that this has evolved mainly through their increasingly close coexistence with humans. An example of their intellectuality is that they are always aware of the movements going on around them, both of humans and other dogs, as well as taking to themselves the feelings of their owners or people very close to them.

This strong bond of friendship and feelings is already the subject of several studies that indicate that dogs and humans may have similar mechanisms for processing emotional information, as the canine brain has a region in its brain that is very similar to a part of the human brain.

Mood (and disease-related variations)

Your pet has the amazing ability to know whether he is in a good mood or not. Generally, his behaviour will follow his mood: if he is in a good mood, he will be more agitated and if he is in a bad mood, he will also be bored. The same happens when the owner or someone close to him is ill. The pet tends to show restless and sad behaviours. Some show that they always want to be with those who are weak. In other cases, they may be so discouraged in terms of being sick. These are reflections of how they feel about their owners and their way of showing affection, affection and companionship.


The scent of dogs is almost never wrong! They can tell when someone is lying or when a person cannot be trusted. In an attempt to alert their owners, they become agitated, bark and cannot calm down in the presence of “danger”. We should not take literally the dislike of a dog by a certain person, as the reason may be the smell (of another animal, such as a cat, for example) on their clothes, some physical characteristic, tone of voice, etc… . However, there are cases where dogs perceive the bad side of someone’s personality.

Lack of attention

Dogs are animals capable of making decisions and making decisions in a matter of seconds.

Dogs can sense any distraction or lack of attention in whatever activity the owners are engaged in. They can also identify when they are being treated differently from another dog or pet.

And when both of these situations become frequent, your pet may feel diminished and inferior, and may become indifferent to your commands.

Dogs’ intuition is very strong and they can sense human emotions without having to say a word. In addition, they can distinguish happy or angry expressions on their owners’ faces.

Find out here how to strengthen your relationship with your bigeye dog.

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